First ever true millipede with over 1,000 feet found

Scientists have discovered the world's first true millipede, a study said Thursday, describing a long, thin and segmented creature with a whopping 1,306 legs—more than any other animal ever.

Fires not the only threat facing Amazon

Raging wildfires have drawn the world's attention to the Amazon but immolation is just one of the dangers facing the world's largest rain forest, environmental experts across the region say.

Two-year countdown for deep seabed mining

The clock is ticking down fast but is there a need to rush? In 2021, the island nation of Nauru triggered a treaty provision known as the "two-year rule" that obliges the International Seabed Authority (ISA) to finalize and ...

Managing mining of the deep seabed

Thousands of feet below the ocean's surface lies a hidden world of undiscovered species and unique seabed habitats—as well as a vast untapped store of natural resources including valuable metals and rare-earth minerals. ...

Deep-sea mining looms on horizon as UN body issues contracts

The deep oceans span more than half the globe and their frigid depths have long been known to contain vast, untapped deposits of prized minerals. These treasures of the abyss, however, have always been out of reach to miners.

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