China assures Clinton on rare earth exports

(AP) -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Saturday sought and received assurances from China's foreign minister about the country's export of exotic metals key to the global high-tech industry, a U.S. official ...

New mineral classification system captures Earth's complex past

The first minerals to form in the universe were nanocrystalline diamonds, which condensed from gases ejected when the first generation of stars exploded. Diamonds that crystallize under the extreme pressure and temperature ...

Conducting change: Why copper is key to a renewable future

Copper was discovered in the Neolithic Age about 9,000 years ago. It was the first metal used by humans. And we've continued to value copper ever since. The average family home contains more than 90 kilograms of copper. Every ...

Looking for a new gold mine? We've got the map

As published this month in Nature Geoscience, researchers and industry partners have produced the first major 'cat scan of the earth'. Their work reveals a new chart of the sub-continental lithosphere mantle and its potential ...

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