Missing data on Earth's magnetic field is in the oven

(Phys.org)—A New Zealand research team hopes to retrieve missing parts of a puzzle about the Earth's magnetic field and changes to it over time. Grabbing their attention are the stones that line Maori steam ovens. They ...

Guyana suspends gold, diamond mining permits

The South American country of Guyana said it had suspended the granting of new permits to mine for gold and diamonds in rivers because of concerns over widespread pollution.

Hard as a rock? Maybe not, say bacteria that help form soil

Research published this week by University of Wisconsin-Madison scientists shows how bacteria can degrade solid bedrock, jump-starting a long process of alteration that creates the mineral portion of soil.

Turning mine waste into healthy soil

Tailings, the waste left after extracting precious and critical minerals, often contain harmful chemicals and heavy metals that can pollute soil, water, and even crops. There are over 1,800 tailings storage facilities around ...

Quantum sensors paving the way for new technologies

Increased cooperation between Norwegian industry and universities on quantum physics sensors is a win–win situation for society. Such sensors can provide new opportunities in areas as diverse as mineral extraction and agriculture.

Fighting climate change by turning CO2 to stone

(PhysOrg.com) -- While politicians debate the best ways to cut global carbon dioxide emissions, researchers at Idaho National Laboratory's Center for Advanced Energy Studies are charging ahead on a strategy to defuse the ...

Earth's mineralogy unique in the cosmos

New research from a team led by Carnegie's Robert Hazen predicts that Earth has more than 1,500 undiscovered minerals and that the exact mineral diversity of our planet is unique and could not be duplicated anywhere in the ...

Minerals can be key to healing damaged tissue

Every species, from bacteria to humans, is capable of regeneration. Regeneration is mediated by the molecular processes that regulate gene expression to control tissue renewal, restoration and growth.

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