NASA's EMIT instrument maps global airborne mineral dust

NASA'S EMIT mission, placed on the International Space Station to learn how dust storms on Earth warm or cool the planet, has created the first complete maps of the world's dust source regions, providing precise locations ...

Detoxifying gold mining

Jacqueline "Jackie" Gerson knows very well how "artisanal gold mining" sounds to people who haven't heard the phrase before.

Research team describes the composition of asteroid Phaethon

Asteroid Phaethon, which is five kilometers in diameter, has been puzzling researchers for a long time. A comet-like tail is visible for a few days when the asteroid passes closest to the sun during its orbit.

Sensitive ecosystems at risk from mine waste, finds study

Nearly a third of the world's mine tailings are stored within or near protected conservation areas, University of Queensland research has found. A study led by UQ's Bora Aska, from the Sustainable Minerals Institute and School ...

Rust to riches: Goethite's role in shaping Australia

Have you noticed many Australian landscapes, like the outback and our deserts, are brown and orange? This is especially easy to see when looking at a satellite image. Australia's red center is colored by an abundant mineral ...

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