Hard as a rock? Maybe not, say bacteria that help form soil

Research published this week by University of Wisconsin-Madison scientists shows how bacteria can degrade solid bedrock, jump-starting a long process of alteration that creates the mineral portion of soil.

Solving fossil mystery could aid Mars life quest

Research which suggests that structures previously thought to be fossils may, in fact, be mineral deposits could save future Mars missions valuable time and resources.

Estimating the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining

As an alternative to government-issued money, the cryptocurrency Bitcoin offers relative anonymity, no sales tax and freedom from bank and government interference. But some people argue that these benefits have an enormous ...

Stabilizing a cliff using biomineral binders

EPFL spin-off Medusoil has successfully tested its ground-stabilization process on cliffs subject to surface erosion. The company's biomineral-based solution can be used to stabilize sandy and gravelly subsoils to safeguard ...

New way to date rocks

A new way to date a common mineral could help pinpoint ore deposits and improve mineral exploration globally, according to University of Queensland scientists.

Transaction fees change the culture of bitcoin, study says

Bitcoin transaction fees—financial rewards for adding certain records to a blockchain ahead of others—keep the cryptocurrency functioning, but may threaten its long-term viability and contribute to its energy waste, according ...

Papua New Guinea shutters polluting Chinese plant

Papua New Guinea said Thursday it had ordered the indefinite closure of a multi-billion dollar Chinese-owned nickel facility that spewed potentially toxic red slurry into the sea.

Lead poisoning reduced with safer mining practices

A pilot program to introduce safer mining practices in Nigerian gold mining communities has reduced blood lead levels by 32 percent, according to a study published today. This is the first study to report on a successful ...

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