NASA rover preparing to take first Mars rock samples

The Perseverance Mars rover is preparing to collect its first rock sample from the site of an ancient lake bed, as its mission to search for signs of past life begins in earnest, NASA said Wednesday.

Researchers discover why gold is concentrated alongside arsenic

Why are gold deposits found at all? Gold is famously unreactive, and there seems to be little reason why gold should be concentrated, rather than uniformly scattered throughout the Earth's crust. Now, an international group ...

Digging into the molecules of fossilized dinosaur eggshells

Dinosaurs roamed the Earth more than 65 million years ago, and paleontologists and amateur fossil hunters are still unearthing traces of them today. The minerals in fossilized eggs and shell fragments provide snapshots into ...

Sustainable mining of raw materials from thermal springs in Chile

Lithium, cesium, or even gold—in addition to energy geothermal waters can contain mineral treasures. In the BrineMine research project, researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) want to leverage this potential ...

Deep bedrock mineral veins are microbial graveyards

Research in recent years has revealed that microorganisms inhabit fractured rocks of the continental and oceanic crust to depths of several kilometers, and that they have done so for millions of years. In a new study published ...

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