Cooler cows have healthier calves

Environmental influences affecting cows during pregnancy have been shown to induce life-long physical and metabolic changes in the offspring. To learn more about the effects of heat stress on calves conceived during the summer, ...

New biomarker for raw milk quality detection

Strict milk quality tests had drawn a national attention throughout China in the wake of the baby formula milk powder contamination incident. The individual classic markers for milk quality control, particularly protein concentration, ...

Cornell model helps dairy farms reduce nitrogen, save money

The Chesapeake Bay—about 235 miles down the Susquehanna River from New York's Southern Tier—and other waterways might grow cleaner, thanks to new updates and improvements in a Cornell dairy nutrition model.

First in-depth insights into parturition in rhinos

When exactly is a rhino offspring born? How long does the birth actually take? Does parturition proceed normally? Answers to these and similar questions are difficult for experts in zoological gardens, since baseline knowledge ...

Dominant deer hinds choose the best food

Deer hinds (Cervus elaphus) have a hierarchical organisation system: the oldest and largest hold the most dominant positions. Therefore, a nutrient rich diet benefits the more dominant hinds, who have preferential access ...

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