Dominant deer hinds choose the best food

Deer hinds (Cervus elaphus) have a hierarchical organisation system: the oldest and largest hold the most dominant positions. Therefore, a nutrient rich diet benefits the more dominant hinds, who have preferential access ...

High levels of iron in water may hurt dairy products

( -- Cows are thirsty and with good reason — they need to drink nearly 30 gallons of water a day to produce milk and stay healthy. That water needs to be high quality because much of the ingested water becomes ...

Treating mastitis in dairy cattle with vitamin D

A natural remedy that delays and reduces the severity of mastitis infection in dairy cattle is being investigated by scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Genomes of two champion bulls sequenced

( -- With more than 60,000 descendants in six generations, Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief and his son Walkway Chief Mark cast a long genetic shadow. New research on the genomes of the two bulls show how portions of their ...

Mobile phone scanner detects harmful bacteria

( -- A mobile phone that could detect whether leftovers in your fridge are safe to eat could be heading to an app store near you. A device has been developed that attaches to mobiles and can detect small amounts ...

Canadian farmers trust regulated dairy industry

Canada's response to the "milk wars" in the United States in the 1970s was to establish a supply management system that both protects and restricts the income of its dairy farmers. A University of Illinois study examined ...

94 French farms struck by new 'Schmallenberg' virus

Ninety-four farms in northern France have been hit by a novel virus, first uncovered in Germany last year, that strikes cattle, sheep and goats, a French research agency reported on Tuesday.

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