Millions of insects migrate through 30-meter Pyrenees pass

Over 17 million insects migrate each year through a single mountain pass on the border between France and Spain, new research shows. University of Exeter scientists have studied migrating insects in the Pass of Bujaruelo, ...

When is migration successful adaptation to climate change?

A new study by an international team from Africa, Asia and Europe has put forward three criteria for evaluating the success of migration as adaptation in the face of climate change: well-being, equity and sustainability.

Warming climate is changing where birds breed: study

Spring is in full swing. Trees are leafing out, flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, and birds are singing. But a recent study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that those birds in your ...

Migrating monarchs facing increased parasite risks

During their annual migration to wintering sites in Mexico, monarch butterflies encounter dangers ranging from cars and trucks to storms, droughts and predators. A study led by ecologists at the University of Georgia has ...

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