Seaweed farming may help tackle global food insecurity

To help solve hunger and malnutrition while also slowing climate change, some farmers could shift from land to sea, suggests a recent study from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. The ...

Preventing pandemics by leaving bats undisturbed

As the COVID-19 pandemic slowly subsides, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) experts and colleagues from the Wildlife Conservation Society have partnered on a new analysis in The Lancet Planetary Health ...

The researchers tackling the world's climate-driven water crisis

A safe supply of clean water is necessary for human survival—yet 2.2 billion people around the world lack access to this basic human right. A global crisis is looming on water security, which has been escalated by climate ...

Benefits of the net-zero emissions strategy for Nepal

Achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement will require the combined efforts of states and companies around the world. How can developing countries achieve carbon neutrality and boost their resilience while pursuing ...

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