NASA Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Passes Major Review

( -- NASA's effort to deploy the first satellite mission to advance global precipitation observations from space moved closer to this goal when agency officials approved critical elements for the Global Precipitation ...

Nida getting knocked by winds, and 97W piquing interest

Nida is now a tropical storm, and is being knocked around by wind shear in the Western Pacific. Satellite imagery has confirmed Nida's center of circulation is exposed and the storm is losing its circular shape. Meanwhile, ...

Microwave satellite imagery shows an eye developing in Mirinae

Microwave satellite imagery has revealed that Tropical Storm Mirinae is strengthening enough to develop an eye, and that's what it's doing. Mirinae was formerly Tropical Depression 23W, but became a tropical storm and received ...

NASA's TRMM satellite captures Typhoon Melor as it reaches Japan

Melor began as a tropical depression back on the 29th of September 2009 about 1000 miles (~1600 km) east-southeast of Guam in the Northern Mariana Islands. Over the next couple of days, the system steadily intensified, first ...

NASA microwave image sees eyewall opening in Hurricane Linda

Linda managed to power up to hurricane status at 11 p.m. EDT last night (September 9), and she's running into cooler waters and wind shear, so she's not expected to hold that strength through tomorrow. Microwave imagery from ...

Weaknesses in dikes detected by space tech spin-off

A company from one of ESA's Business Incubation Centres has used space technology to develop a scanner to spot weaknesses in dike structures. It is being used to inspect dikes and dams on the Danube river and in the Netherlands. ...

NASA's satellite imagery sees Hilda hit a wall

Two days ago, Hilda was in prime shape to strengthen further as she tracked westward, far south of the Hawaiian Islands. Today, as a result of winds and cooler waters, she's weakened to a tropical depression, and NASA satellites ...

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