NASA to Probe the Universe's First Moments

( -- Sophisticated new technologies created by NASA and university scientists are enabling them to build an instrument designed to probe the first moments of the universe's existence.

Terahertz technology: Seeing more with less

Terahertz technology is an emerging field that promises to improve a host of useful applications, ranging from passenger scanning at airports to huge digital data transfers. Terahertz radiation sits between the frequency ...

Millimetre waves for the last mile

Reseachers at ETH Zurich have developed a modulator with which data transmitted via millimetre waves can be directly converted into light pulses for optical fibres. This could make covering the "last mile" up to the internet ...

Planck reveals the dynamic side of the Universe

The Planck collaboration, which includes the CNRS, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the French National Space Agency (CNES) and several French universities and institutions, has today released ...

Breakthrough for post-4G communications

( -- With much of the mobile world yet to migrate to 3G mobile communications, let alone 4G, European researchers are already working on a new technology able to deliver data wirelessly up to 12.5Gb/s.

Novel holographic antenna designs and uses

Holographic antennas first studied around 40 years ago are again a hot topic given the potential of holographic images for a variety of applications. EU researchers developed novel prototype devices based on the associated ...

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