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How consumer-electronics makers are faring

Makers and sellers of consumer-electronics devices have been releasing their earnings reports for the latest quarter. Here's a look at selected companies that report unit sales on phones, tablet computers and other devices. ...

Top 5 manufacturers of tablet computers in 2011

In producing its own tablet computer called Surface, Microsoft Corp. is entering a market dominated by Apple Inc. Six out of every 10 tablets shipped are iPads, according to research firm IHS iSuppli.

Apple pledge likely to boost China factory wages

(AP) -- This week's pledge to trim work hours and effectively raise wages for the hardscrabble Chinese employees who assemble Apple's iPads and iPhones isn't likely to drive up the prices that consumers pay.

Taiwan's Foxconn raises wages for Chinese workers

(AP) -- Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Group said Saturday that it has raised wages by up to 25 percent in the second major salary hike in less than two years, as the world's largest electronics contract manufacturer comes ...

Xbox workers threaten suicide in China labor tiff

(AP) -- Dozens of workers assembling Xbox video game consoles climbed to a factory dormitory roof, and some threatened to jump to their deaths, in a dispute over job transfers that was defused but highlights growing labor ...

CES gadget show gets record number of exhibitors

(AP) -- The trade group that puts on the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas says it has hit a record number of exhibitors this year, as the industry continues its rebound after the recession.

'Lost Interview' shows a younger, healthier Jobs

(AP) -- A recently discovered video copy of a 1995 interview with Steve Jobs shows the Apple co-founder at a healthier time, not long before he rejoined and revitalized the company.

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