Exploring the air we breathe

Melbourne Pollen—a service at the University of Melbourne's School of BioSciences that forecasts the level of grass pollen and several other types of pollen in the air—has been looking at what's in Melbourne's air for ...

Improving safety assessment of nanoparticles

How safe are the nanoparticles in transparent sunscreen, anti-odor socks and bacteria-resistant plasters? Although microbes are present on all organisms, the tools that estimate the safety of nanomaterials still hardly take ...

New research reveals wastewater treatment plants can 'get sick'

Just like humans, wastewater treatment plants can get sick, due to viral attacks. Now, new research from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, reveals the implications for the surrounding environment in case the plant ...

Study sheds new light on materials assembly in confinement

Cramming multiple pairs of shoes into a vacation suitcase, twisting and flipping them into different arrangements to fit every pair needed, is a familiar optimization problem faced by harried travelers. This same problem ...

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