Harnessing plant-invading fungi for fuel

(Phys.org)—As gas prices rise around the world, researchers are seeking a potential solution from endophytic fungi—fungi that live inside plants.

Amoeba feast on backpacks

(Phys.org)—The amoeba Acanthamoeba cunningly traps motile bacteria, collecting them in a rucksack before devouring the whole backpack. This behaviour of the single-cell organisms is unique.

Chinese dust cloud 'improves smelly Japanese dish'

Natto, the Japanese breakfast dish of fermented soybeans, has a smell likened to sweaty feet but researchers have come up with an unlikely way of making it less whiffy—using bacteria from Chinese dust clouds.

UNL discovery has implications for finding life on Earth, Mars

(Phys.org) -- Moqui marbles, unusual balls of rock that can be found rolling around the southwestern U.S. sandstone regions, were formed roughly 2 million years ago with the help of microorganisms. This discovery by a University ...

Researcher: Smaller 'dead zone' recorded in Gulf

A new report says this year's Gulf of Mexico "dead zone," an area of low oxygen that develops every spring and summer, is the fourth-smallest since measurements of the zones began in 1985.

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