Related topics: nanometers

Flat bacteria in nanoslits

It appears that bacteria can squeeze through practically anything. In extremely small nanoslits they take on a completely new flat shape. Even in this squashed form they continue to grow and divide at normal speeds. This ...

The laser beam as a "3D painter"

(—There are many ways to create three dimensional objects on a micrometer scale. But how can the chemical properties of a material be tuned at micrometer  precision? Scientists at the Vienna University of Technology ...

Radar measurements of highest precision

Scientists of KIT and Ruhr-Universität Bochum have reached a record precision in radar distance measurements. With the help of a new radar system, an accuracy of one micrometer was achieved in joint measurements. The system ...

Spacecraft capture solar eclipse's Earthly effect

A Japanese meteorology satellite captured the moving shadow from the total solar eclipse this week, and this animated series of images shows the shadow moving east-southeast across northeastern Australia and into the waters ...

Fukushima radiation 'mostly fell in sea': study

Most of the radioactive fallout from the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant dropped into the ocean and began circling the planet, Japanese researchers said Thursday.

Fourth-generation wire micrometer that rivals best in the world

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a dramatically improved laser-based instrument that measures the diameter of fine-gauge wires, fibers and other objects only about three ...

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