Copper, gold and tin for efficient chips

With gold, copper or tin and special galvanizing processes, scientists are improving the function of semi-conductors and making the manufacture of microelectronic systems a child's play. Especially the LED industry could ...

US: Immigrant stole military technology for Russia

(AP)—An American success story of an immigrant from Kazakhstan who made millions off his Texas export firm took a Cold War-era turn on Wednesday when U.S. authorities accused him of being a secret agent who's been stealing ...

Bail hearings to begin in alleged Russian spy case

(AP)—The man U.S. authorities claim led a plot to funnel cutting-edge military technology to Russia kept a low profile in his suburban Houston neighborhood and was unknown to leaders in the city's Russian community.

How repeated spot microdischarges damage microdevices

In microelectronics, devices made up of two electrodes separated by an insulating barrier are subject to multiple of microdischarges - referred to as microfilaments - at the same spot. These stem from residual excited atoms ...

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