Classifying microbial species in the genomics era

The rapid explosion in the throughput of DNA sequencing due to new technology platforms is fueling an increase in the number of sequenced microbial genomes and driving much greater availability of these data to the research ...

Automating microbial genome sequence decontamination

Single cell genomics and metagenomics are pioneering techniques that have helped researchers assess environmental microbial community structure and function. As projects applying these techniques scale up, however, researchers ...

Longer DNA fragments reveal rare species diversity

A challenge in metagenomics is that the more commonly used sequencing machines generate data in short lengths, while short-read assemblers may not be able to distinguish among multiple occurrences of the same or similar sequences, ...

Complete genomes from single cells still elusive

DOE Joint Genome Institute researchers review the status of single-cell genomics, and how close scientists are to being able to reconstruct an individual cell's genome.

Defining function from "genomic dark matter"

Functional annotation allowed researchers to identify biomass-degrading enzymes in the 35 percent of genes in a genome that are considered "genomic dark matter."

Hope for re-establishing Gulf of Mexico microbial populations

One of the first studies published in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill involved DOE Joint Genome Institute researchers and confirmed that microbial communities did play a role in dispersing the hydrocarbons ...

Microbes can influence evolution of their hosts

You are not just yourself. You are also the thousands of microbes that you carry. In fact, they represent an invisible majority that may be more you than you realize.

Ecological forces structure your body's personal mix of microbes

( —Environmental conditions have a much stronger influence on the mix of microbes living in various parts of your body than does competition between species. Instead of excluding each other, microbes that fiercely ...

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