The fossilization process of dinosaur remains

A study conducted between the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country and the University of Zaragoza has conducted an in-depth analysis of the dinosaur fossils at La Cantalera-1, one of the Iberian sites belonging to the ...

Courage to aim for less cleanliness?

Do the same laws of biodiversity which apply in nature also apply to our own bodies and homes? If so, current hygiene measures to combat aggressive germs could be, to some extent, counterproductive. So writes an interdisciplinary ...

Oil-eating microbes are challenged in the Arctic

New economic developments in the Arctic, such as trans-Arctic shipping and oil exploitation, will bring along unprecedented risks of marine oil spills. The world is therefore calling for a thorough understanding of the resilience ...

Partnering with soil microbes essential to plant and animal life

Soils can be extraordinarily biodiverse and differ widely in the kinds of microbial communities that inhabit them. As our understanding of what governs these differences grows, we can make better choices to protect and regenerate ...

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