Is your drinking water safe?

From Legionella bacteria and non-tuberculous mycobacteria, safe transport of mains water depends on best practice and good policy, environmental health experts say.

Clean tanks reduce microbial risk

Simple measures such as regular maintenance of backyard tanks and rooftops can help reduce microbial contamination of household rainwater, Flinders University experts say.

Trusty, not rusty, pipelines owe a debt to space

When a Dutch company working on soil pollution teamed up with ESA to build a better, bacteria-based air filter for space, they also created the foundation for a new way of keeping iron pipelines from corroding in the ground.

Using microbial communities to assess environmental contamination

First there were canaries in coal mines, now there are microbes at nuclear waste sites, oil spills and other contaminated environments. A multi-institutional team of more than 30 scientists has found that statistical analysis ...

Teamwork against benzene

The carcinogenic harmful substance benzene can seriously impact the soil and ground water following chemical accidents or at old industrial sites. Nevertheless, bacteria exist which can degrade this compound even in the absence ...

The most contaminated surfaces in hotel rooms

An experiment of surfaces in hotel rooms finds television remotes to be among the most heavily contaminated with bacteria and items on housekeeping carts carry the potential to cross-contaminate rooms. Researchers from the ...

Ozone reduces fungal spoilage of fruits and vegetables

Storing fruits and vegetables in ozone-enriched environments reduces spoilage explains a scientist at the Society for General Microbiology's Spring Conference in Harrogate. Dr Ian Singleton explains how ozone treatment could ...

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