Power-generating urinal pioneered in Britain

British scientists on Thursday unveiled a toilet that unlocks energy stored within urine to generate electricity, which they hope could be used to light remote places such as refugee camps.

Complete genomes from single cells still elusive

DOE Joint Genome Institute researchers review the status of single-cell genomics, and how close scientists are to being able to reconstruct an individual cell's genome.

Electric bugs used to detect water pollution

(Phys.org) —Scientists from our Department of Chemical Engineering have developed a low-cost device that could be used in developing countries to monitor the quality of drinking water in real time without costly lab equipment.

Simulating the invisible

Panagiotis Grammatikopoulos in the OIST Nanoparticles by Design Unit simulates the interactions of particles that are too small to see, and too complicated to visualize. In order to study the particles' behavior, he uses ...

New study finds cell phones reflect our personal microbiome

Smartphones are everywhere, and they may be smarter than you think. Our cell phones actually reflect the personal microbial world of their owners, with potential implications for their use as bacterial and environmental sensors, ...

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