Student unleashes electrical power of microbes

Jonathan Godwin, a University of Saskatchewan master's student, is improving a new “green” energy source — creating electrical fuel cells from everyday microbes.

Do microbes control the formation of giant copper deposits?

One of the major issues when studying ore deposits formed in surficial or near-surface environments is the relationship between ore-forming processes and bacteria. At a first glance, these environments appear to be a preferred ...

Microbes can influence evolution of their hosts

You are not just yourself. You are also the thousands of microbes that you carry. In fact, they represent an invisible majority that may be more you than you realize.

Archaeons shown to thrive on fireworks ingredient

( —A new study in the Netherlands has found a deep-sea microbe living in high-temperature hydro-thermal vents can thrive on chlorate and perchlorate anions. Perchlorate, an ingredient in rocket fuel and fireworks, ...

Our personal skin microbiome is surprisingly stable

Despite regular washing and contact with bacteria-laden objects, our personal milieu of skin microbes remains highly stable over time, reports a metagenomics study published May 5 in Cell. The authors say this knowledge could ...

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