Lifeline extended for critically endangered porpoise

Mexico's recent decision to buy-out gillnet fisheries in the upper Gulf of California may give one of the world's rarest species the breathing space it needs to survive. Time is still ticking, but the move provides hope for ...

World's rarest cetacean threatened by illegal gillnets

The world's rarest cetacean could disappear in less than four years unless immediate action is taken by the Mexican government to protect it from entanglement in gillnets deployed illegally in its Gulf of California refuge, ...

Mexico demands Sotheby's halt auction of artifacts

(AP)—The Mexican government demanded Wednesday that the Sotheby's auction house halt the planned sale of 51 pre-Colombian Mexican artifacts, arguing they are protected national historical pieces.

Europe launches major British military satellite

A European rocket has launched a major satellite designed to expand telecommunications for the British military from the Kourou space base in French Guiana, flight operators said.

Mexico finds 50 skulls in sacred Aztec temple

(AP)—Mexican archaeologists said Friday they uncovered the largest number of skulls ever found in one offering at the most sacred temple of the Aztec empire dating back more than 500 years.

Mexico launches national tsunami warning system

The Mexican government on Tuesday launched a national tsunami system to monitor quakes around the world that could impact the country's coastline, the Interior Ministry said.

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