The dynamics of mercury toxins in the oceans' food web

Methylmercury, a toxic form of mercury that is readily absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract and can cause in a variety of health issues, poses a significant threat to marine animals at the top of the food web.

Mercury exposure found to alter the migration behavior of birds

Mercury pollution is a global problem caused by coal combustion, gold mining, and other human activities, and has myriad adverse impacts to biodiversity. A new study by researchers at the Great Hollow Nature Preserve & Ecological ...

Preliminary study suggests mercury not a risk in dog foods

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, recently investigated levels of methylmercury in a small sampling of commercial dog foods and found good news for dog owners. Of the 24 diets tested, only three were positive ...

Clarifying rates of methylmercury production

While volcanoes and forest fires release mercury, they are relatively small sources compared to the combustion of coal, oil, and other fuels. Mercury is toxic. Microbes turn mercury into a neurotoxin called methylmercury. ...

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