Related topics: carbon dioxide

Scientists discover organic acid in a protoplanetary disk

An international team of scientists from Russia, Germany, Italy, the U.S. and France has discovered a relatively high concentration of formic acid in a protoplanetary disk. This is the first organic molecule found in protoplanetary ...

Solar fuels working well under pressure

Highly fuel-efficient new engine designs could significantly reduce the environmental impact of vehicles, especially if the engines run on renewable nonpetroleum-based fuels. Ensuring these unconventional fuels are compatible ...

Carbon dioxide-to-methanol process improved by catalyst

Dramatic improvements have been made to the process of converting carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, to methanol, a fuel and building block for a wide range of everyday materials, according to Penn State researchers.

Deuterated formaldehyde detected in protostar HH 212

Using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, a team of researchers has detected the emission of deuterated formaldehyde (HDCO) from the hot inner region of the protostar HH 212. The finding, reported January ...

Astrochemists reveal the magnetic secrets of methanol

A team of scientists, led by Boy Lankhaar at Chalmers University of Technology, has solved an important puzzle in astrochemistry—how to measure magnetic fields in space using methanol, the simplest form of alcohol. Their ...

How a bacterium can live on methanol

ETH Zurich researchers have identified all the genes required by a bacterium to use methanol as a food source. The results will help scientists advance the use of this resource in the field of biotechnology.

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