Using calorimetry to estimate absorbed dose from CT scans

In the United States, about 80 million x-ray computed tomography (CT) scans are made every year – 7 million of them on children – according to the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). Not surprisingly, ...

NTU scientists invent superbug killers

The superbugs have met their match. Conceived at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), it comes in the form of a coating which has a magnetic-like feature that attracts bacteria and kills them without the need for antibiotics.

Brighten up -- it's a new plastic optical fibre technology

( -- It may look like little more than fishing line, but plastic optical fibre or POF promises to revolutionise high-speed last-mile communications networks. Its evolution is being aided by groundbreaking research ...

Polymers join forces to deliver

An affordable, heavy metal- and odor-free method for making hollow polymer nanostructures has been designed by A*STAR researchers. These structures could find use as delivery systems for personal care products, drugs and ...