Scientists revisit optical constants of ultrathin gold films

Researchers at MIPT have conducted highly precise measurements of the optical constants of ultrathin gold films with thicknesses ranging from 20 to 200 billionths of a meter in the optical part of the electromagnetic spectrum. ...

Device design allows ten-fold increase in spin currents

An electron carries electrical charge and spin that gives rise to a magnetic moment and can therefore interact with external magnetic fields. Conventional electronics are based on the charge of the electron. The emerging ...

Searching beyond graphene for new wonder materials

Graphene, the two-dimensional, ultra lightweight and super-strong carbon film, has been hailed as a wonder material since its discovery in 2004. Now researchers are going beyond graphene and preparing other 2-D films with ...

Harnessing an unusual 'valley' quantum property of electrons

Yoshihiro Iwasa and colleagues from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, the University of Tokyo and Hiroshima University have discovered that ultrathin films of a semiconducting material have properties that form ...

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