Blocked holes can enhance rather than stop light going through

Conventional wisdom would say that blocking a hole would prevent light from going through it, but Princeton University engineers have discovered the opposite to be true. A research team has found that placing a metal cap ...

EU adopts guidelines on airport body scanners

(AP) -- The European Union adopted new guidelines Monday on using body scanners at airports, hoping to address the privacy concerns that have delayed their implementation across the continent.

Treasures lost and found

Buried hoards are the stuff of childhood dreams. Treasure Under Your Feet, an exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum, brings together precious objects found all over East Anglia. Heaps of glittering coins, a collection of axe ...

Airline attack could lead to more scanners

(AP) -- The Christmas Day attack on a jetliner over Detroit, combined with technological improvements to protect people's sense of modesty, could lead to dramatically wider use of full-body scanners that can see through ...

System developed to detect plastic anti-personnel mines

A team of European researchers has devised a method for locating plastic anti-personnel mines, which are manufactured to avoid detection by metal detectors. The technique involves analysing the temperature of the ground in ...

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