After Newtown: A new use for a weapons-detecting radar?

In the weeks after the Connecticut school shooting, as the nation puzzled over how it happened and what might prevent it from happening again, Kamal Sarabandi was listening to the news. Talk turned to giving teachers guns, ...

A new tool to enhance tasks of humanitarian demining

Researchers at the Centre for Automation and Robotics, a joint centre of the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and the Spanish National Research Council (UPM-CSIC), have developed a training tool to improve the use of hand-held ...

Ultrasensitive photon hunter

When it comes to imaging, every single photon counts if there is barely any available light. This is the point where the latest technologies often reach their limits. Researchers have now developed a diode that can read photons ...

A simple way to help cities monitor traffic more accurately

Cities count the number of cars on the road in order to plan everything from the timing of stoplights to road repairs. But the in-road metal detectors that do the counting can make errors – most often by registering ...

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