Nanoporous intermetallic compounds that boost hydrogen production

Hydrogen has the highest energy density (120 MJ/kg) of all known substances, approximately three times more than diesel or gasoline, meaning it could play a pivotal role in sustainable energy systems. But the efficient production ...

Fighting fungal infections with metals

Each year, more than 1 billion people contract a fungal infection. Although they are harmless to most people, over 1.5 million patients die each year as a result of infections of this kind.

Worms elevate phosphate levels in grass

Worms are the farmer's main little helpers. They improve soil structure and help the plant obtain nutrients and phosphate. But some worms do a better job than others. Hannah Vos obtained her Ph.D. on research on which worms ...

Zapping orange peel oil into new, pleasant aroma compounds

As oranges are peeled, they spray a tangy, citrus scented oil into the air. The main compound in the fragrant mist is limonene, which can be collected from discarded peels and used in flavorings, perfumes and all-purpose ...

Novel SERS sensor helps to detect aldehyde gases

Prof. Huang Qing's group from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) developed a surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) gas sensor to detect aldehyde with high sensitivity and selectivity, which provided a new ...

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