New technique elucidates dynamics of plant cell metabolites

A new technique developed by researchers at RIKEN has clarified the location and dynamics of specific metabolites in a single cell of the alga Chara australis. The findings reveal that these metabolites are regulated and ...

Scientists utilise breath and sweat to detect trapped humans

Molecules in their breath, sweat and skin have been used to detect humans in a simulation of a collapsed building, raising the prospect of portable sensors for use in real-life situations, such as the devastating aftermath ...

Molecular study shows unexpected effects of toxin

Scientists from the University of Birmingham studying the effects of the widely-used pesticide fenitrothion, have discovered unexpected cell damage in a common freshwater fish, roach, exposed to the toxin.

Unlocking the metabolic secrets of the microbiome

The number of bacterial cells living in and on our bodies outnumbers our own cells ten to one. But the identity of all those bugs and just what exactly our relationship to all of them really is remains rather fuzzy. Now, ...

Researchers find a key to plant disease resistance

University of Kentucky plant pathologists recently discovered a metabolite that plays a critical role early on in the ability of plants, animals, humans and one-celled microorganisms to fend off a wide range of pathogens ...

Finding the correct dosage of medication by breath analysis

Using a mass spectrometric method, ETH Zurich researchers are able to measure metabolites of a common epilepsy medication directly in exhaled breath. This simplifies testing of patients and represents a step towards personalised ...

How authentic is your pomegranate juice?

You pick up a bottle of pomegranate juice at the store because you've learned that, although it costs more than most juices, it is replete with antioxidants that bring health benefits. But wait: Is the juice you've purchased ...

Getting around gene loss

Genes ‘knocked out’ experimentally in metabolic networks of the model plant species, Arabidopsis thaliana (Fig. 1), are compensated for by duplicate genes or alternative synthetic pathways, according to research ...

Food quality improved with software

Max Planck Innovation GmbH, the technology transfer organization of the Max Planck Society, has awarded an exclusive license for the analysis software TagFinder to Metabolomic Discoveries GmbH, a service provider in biochemical ...

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