Crickets that live fast die young

Male crickets advertise their attractiveness with a loud and clear call to females. Calling effort has been linked to more mating success, but what are the hidden costs of showing off?

Big brains attributed to mother's care

The evolution of big-brained mammals may be due to maternal investment, rather than metabolism, according to a new study by scientists at UCL (University College London) and the University of Cambridge.

Ant colonies shed light on metabolism

Ants are usually regarded as the unwanted guests at a picnic. But a recent study of California seed harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex californicus) examining their metabolic rate in relation to colony size may lead to a better ...

Mother bats expert at saving energy

In order to regulate their body temperature as efficiently as possible, wild female bats switch between two strategies depending on both the ambient temperature and their reproductive status. During pregnancy and lactation, ...

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