Study tracks evolutionary history of metabolic networks

By analyzing how metabolic enzymes are built and organized, researchers have reconstructed the evolutionary history of metabolism. Their study shows how metabolic networks—which drive every cellular process from protein ...

BridgIT, a new tool for orphan and novel enzyme reactions

Effective protein engineering can give us control over the generated products inside a cell. However, for many of the biochemical reactions responsible for these products, we don't we don't know the specific protein or enzyme-producing ...

New targets in the battle against antibiotic resistance

Bacteria are increasingly resistant to available antibiotics. A team of chemists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have now identified important enzymes in the metabolism of staphylococci. Blocking these enzymes ...

A novel effect of epigenetic drugs on metabolic activity

Using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model system in a novel technique, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich researchers have uncovered a novel effect of epigenetic drugs on metabolic activity

Spore formation model could advance medicine

Michigan State University scientists have produced experimental and modeling results that shed light on how a particular type of enzyme functions during spore formation, potentially advancing human health and disease research.

New approach makes it easier to find novel drugs

Scientists have created a new way of screening compounds that is more sensitive than existing methods, opening up the possibility of finding new drugs for many diseases.

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