A novel effect of epigenetic drugs on metabolic activity

Using the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model system in a novel technique, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich researchers have uncovered a novel effect of epigenetic drugs on metabolic activity

Changing enzymes for clean energy and disease prevention

β-glycosidases are enzymes that play many roles in nature. They can play a role in metabolic disorders and can break down tough plant fibers. Fredj Ben Bdira changed these enzymes in order to enhance the production of clean ...

Spore formation model could advance medicine

Michigan State University scientists have produced experimental and modeling results that shed light on how a particular type of enzyme functions during spore formation, potentially advancing human health and disease research.

New approach makes it easier to find novel drugs

Scientists have created a new way of screening compounds that is more sensitive than existing methods, opening up the possibility of finding new drugs for many diseases.

The Archean Ocean as an ideal breeding ground for life

In a project funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, the biochemist Markus Keller demonstrated successfully how important metabolic mechanisms were able to develop in cells four billion years ago. His research provides completely ...

A database of enzyme diversity

Scientists have a constructed a new database of the diversity in an enzyme that is used by microorganisms to metabolize sulfur.

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