China's Alibaba to launch mobile operating system

China's leading e-commerce company Alibaba said Friday it will launch a mobile operating system, joining industry giants Google and Apple in providing software for smartphones.

Microsoft takes Office into the 'cloud' (Update)

Microsoft took its Office software into the Internet "cloud" on Tuesday, moving the suite of popular business tools online amid budding competition from Google's Web-based products.

Scientists identify key enzyme in microbial immune system

Imagine a war in which you are vastly outnumbered by an enemy that is utterly relentless - attacking you is all it does. The intro to another Terminator movie? No, just another day for microbes such as bacteria and archaea, ...

How to Respond When E.T. Says Hello

Scientists are studying the best ways to compose messages meant for alien eyes in case we ever do get the chance to communicate with extraterrestrials.

Apple says it's fixed iPhone SMS vulnerability

(AP) -- Apple Inc. says it has fixed an iPhone vulnerability that lets hackers knock people offline - and possibly take over the phones - by sending them specially crafted text messages.

Could technology help reduce pretrial incarceration?

Right now, thousands of people across the U.S. are in prison awaiting trial for a misdemeanor charge. A growing body of research indicates that if someone had sent each of them a text message at just the right time, with ...

In Africa, rescuing the languages that Western tech ignores

Computers have become amazingly precise at translating spoken words to text messages and scouring huge troves of information for answers to complex questions. At least, that is, so long as you speak English or another of ...

Twitter buys data analytics partner Gnip

Twitter says it has bought its data partner Gnip, which provides analysis of the more than 500 million tweets its users share each day—to advertisers, academic institutions, politicians and other customers.

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