How mercury emissions from industry can be greatly reduced

Sulfuric acid is the world's most used chemical. It is an important reagent used in many industries and it is used in the manufacture of everything from paper, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics to batteries, detergents and fertilizers. ...

Mercury exposure found to alter the migration behavior of birds

Mercury pollution is a global problem caused by coal combustion, gold mining, and other human activities, and has myriad adverse impacts to biodiversity. A new study by researchers at the Great Hollow Nature Preserve & Ecological ...

Scientists puzzled by mercury's jump in Great Lakes fish

It's not supposed to be like this. Though advisories about toxic mercury in fish have continued in Michigan and the surrounding Great Lakes, with recommendations to limit consumption of certain species to a few times per ...

Scientists discover that coral can record history

A Canadian study has discovered that coral is able to effectively record events in human history due to its ability to absorb the toxic metals released into the environment as a result of naval battles fought in their vicinity.

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