Alleged UK hacker wins US extradition fight

An alleged computer hacker from Britain won a court appeal Monday to block his extradition to the United States, where he faces charges in three states.

Media portrayal of public shooters can perpetuate stereotypes

As the pervasiveness of media reports on public shootings increase, the way in which media cover these violent stories can have broad social implications, including the creation and perpetuation of racial and mental health ...

What drives lone offenders?

In recent months, lone offender attacks – sometimes called "lone wolf" attacks – have regularly populated news headlines. Just in the past week, we've seen a single shooter killing people in a mall in Washington state ...

Whistleblowers' mental health attacked by firms

Organisations demonise whistleblowers leaving some suicidal in an attempt to paint them as mentally ill and discredit their claims, according to new research.

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