Quantum effects in memristive devices

At the nanoscale, the laws of classical physics suddenly become inadequate to explain the behavior of matter. It is precisely at this juncture that quantum theory comes into play, effectively describing the physical phenomena ...

'Atomic photon source' based on the movement of atoms

Compact, CMOS compatible on-chip photon sources have attracted much attention to the scientific community and the semiconductor industry. As the transistor's feature size is continuously scaling down, the integration density ...

Artificial neurons go quantum with photonic circuits

In recent years, artificial intelligence has become ubiquitous, with applications such as speech interpretation, image recognition, medical diagnosis, and many more. At the same time, quantum technology has been proven capable ...

Neuromorphic computing with memristors

In a paper published in Nano, researchers study the role of memristors in neuromorphic computing. This novel fundamental electronic component supports the cloning of bio-neural systems with low cost and power.

Physicists create device for imitating biological memory

Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have created a device that acts like a synapse in the living brain, storing information and gradually forgetting it when not accessed for a long time. Known ...

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