To DDR3: Thanks for the memory but time for DDR4

( -- Micron Technology is polishing up its DDR4 memory modules, “sampling” the modules and getting feedback from major customers. The company plans to reach volume production later this year. In brief, ...

Samsung Expands Green Line-up with 40nm-class 4Gigabit DDR3

Samsung Electronics announced today that it has begun mass producing the industry’s first low-power (green) four gigabit (Gb) DDR3 devices using 40 nanometer (nm) class process technology. The high-density memory is expected ...

Birds' good vibrations power mini backpacks

Birds that yield good vibration provide motion excitation ... for engineers: As Earth warms, birds may be changing their migratory patterns. But to obtain avian data, scientists need in-flight tracking sensors – and those ...

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