Researchers bring clean energy a step closer

For nearly half a century, scientists have been trying to replace precious metal catalysts in fuel cells. Now, for the first time, researchers at Case Western Reserve University have shown that an inexpensive metal-free catalyst ...

Battery low? Give your mobile some water

A power source for your mobile phone can now be as close as the nearest tap, stream, or even a puddle, with the world's first water-activated charging device.

Breakthrough in race to create 'bio-batteries'

( —Scientists at the University of East Anglia have made an important breakthrough in the quest to generate clean electricity from bacteria.

Using bacteria batteries to make electricity

( —Their idea is state of the art: Ten Bielefeld students have set their sights on constructing a bio-battery. They want to make use of the bacteria Escherichia coli to convert glucose into energy. With this project, ...

Protons fuel graphene prospects

Graphene, impermeable to all gases and liquids, can easily allow protons to pass through it, University of Manchester researchers have found.

Researchers devise a new way of producing hydrogen fuel

A U.S.-based team of researchers including MIPT scientists has assembled a nanoscale biological structure capable of producing hydrogen from water using light. They inserted a photosensitive protein into nanodiscs—circular ...

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