Related topics: google

Zuckerberg lobbies Congress on immigration

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is visiting Capitol Hill to lobby members of Congress in support of comprehensive immigration overhaul legislation.

Obama defends phone data collection program

President Barack Obama defended sweeping secret surveillance into U.S. phone records and foreigners' Internet use, declaring them a necessary defense against terrorism, and assuring Americans, "Nobody is listening to your ...

Facebook to help Congress expand online reach

Leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties in the US Congress are reaching out to Facebook to help develop online tools to connect with their constituents.

Blackwater game aims for fun, not controversy

(AP) -- In the world of video games, realism reigns supreme, but the makers of a game based on the infamous private security firm Blackwater are intentionally steering clear of it.

Congress joins Twitter craze

This is what you get when politicians keep their comments to 140 characters or less: "We need to cut spending! Holy Cow! A novel idea in Washington."

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