Manufacturing – Improved welding

Oxide removal for welding can be laborious and costly, yet results from a new study indicate the preparation may be unnecessary for certain solid-state joining.

Melting solid below the freezing point

Phase transitions surround us—for instance, liquid water changes to ice when frozen and to steam when boiled. Now, researchers at the Carnegie Institution for Science have discovered a new phenomenon of so-called metastability ...

Arctic melt ponds form when meltwater clogs ice pores

When spring comes to the Arctic, the breakup of the cold winter ice sheets starts at the surface with the formation of melt ponds. These pools of melted snow and ice darken the surface of the ice, increasing the amount of ...

Structural origin of glass transition

A University of Tokyo research group has demonstrated through computer simulations that the enhancement of fluctuations in a liquid's structure plays an important role as a liquid becomes a solid near the glass-transition ...

Gold 'nano-drills'

Spherical gold particles are able to 'drill' a nano-diameter tunnel in ceramic material when heated. This is an easy and attractive way to equip chips with nanopores for DNA analysis, for example. Nanotechnologists of the ...

Landmark discovery in gold nanorod instability

Researchers at Swinburne University of Technology have discovered an instability in gold nanoparticles that is critical for their application in future technology.

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