Related topics: cancer · skin cancer · tumor cells · melanoma

Venom gets good buzz as potential cancer-fighter

Bee, snake or scorpion venom could form the basis of a new generation of cancer-fighting drugs, scientists will report here today. They have devised a method for targeting venom proteins specifically to malignant cells while ...

Speeding up gene discovery

Since the completion of the Human Genome Project, which identified nearly 20,000 protein-coding genes, scientists have been trying to decipher the roles of those genes. A new approach developed at MIT, the Broad Institute, ...

Boosting immune therapy for cancer with nanoparticles

( —Activating the body's immune system to attack cancer and prevent it from recurring is one of the Holy Grails of cancer research because of its ability to specifically target cancer and to search almost anywhere ...

A new family of aniontransporters to fight against cancer

The journal Accounts of Chemical Research has published the article "Anion Transporters and Biological Systems", by Professor Ricardo Pérez Tomás, from the Department of Pathology and Experimental Therapy of the Faculty ...

Fish prone to melanoma get DNA decoded

Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and elsewhere have decoded the genome of the platyfish, a cousin of the guppy and a popular choice for home aquariums. Among scientists, the fish are meticulously ...

Novel diagnostic method supports skin cancer therapy

(—Malignant melanoma is the most aggressive type of skin cancer. In more than 50 percent of affected patients a particular mutation plays an important role. As the life span of the patients carrying the mutation ...

Why are there redheads? Birds might hold the clues

Red coloration—historically seen as costly in vertebrates—historically seen as costly in vertebrates—might represent some physiological benefit after all, according to research published in the journal Physiological ...

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