Mediterranean Sea level could rise by 61 cm

A Spanish-British research project has come up with three future scenarios for the effects of climate change on the Mediterranean over the next 90 years, using global models from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ...

Europe's most recent fossil of giant tortoise discovered

An international team of scientists, including Uwe Fritz and Christian Kehlmaier from Senckenberg, has made an astonishing discovery in the Zubbio di Cozzo San Pietro cave in Sicily, a burial site from the Copper/Bronze Age: ...

Archaeologists uncover Late Stone Age settlement on Cyprus

( —Artifacts found at an archaeological site in Cyprus support a new theory that humans occupied the tiny Mediterranean island about 1,000 years earlier than previously believed – a discovery that fills an important ...

African crocodiles lived in Spain six million years ago

Millions of years ago, several species of crocodiles of different genera and characteristics inhabited Europe and sometimes even coexisted. But among all these species, it was thought unlikely that crocodiles of the genus ...

Huge hamsters and pint-sized porcupines thrive on islands

From miniature elephants to monster mice, and even Hobbit-sized humans, size changes in island animals are well-known to science. Biologists have long believed that large animals evolving on islands tend to get smaller, while ...

Cyprus rocky testing ground for Mars

International and Cypriot experts on Friday discussed a research project to test space equipment on the Mediterranean island before sending it to Mars to measure the age of its rocks, officials said.

Ibiza battles biggest wildfire in its history

Firefighters fought on the ground and by air Friday on the third day of a battle against the biggest wildfire in the history of Spain's holiday island of Ibiza, authorities said.

Wildlife rebounds in divided Cyprus 'dead zone'

In a long-abandoned village in the UN buffer zone that divides Cyprus, an endangered curly-horned wild sheep offers hope not only for wildlife but that bitter ethnic divisions might slowly be healed.

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