Handling with care: PTSD in horses

Equine companionship is built upon a foundation of trust and care. Yet, maintaining a horse's trust can be challenging, especially when a past event has left the animal with behaviors mirroring what's diagnosed as post-traumatic ...

A bacterial toolkit for colonizing plants

Using a novel experimental approach, Max Planck researchers have discovered a core set of genes required by commensal bacteria to colonize their plant hosts. The findings published in Nature Communications may have broad ...

COVID-19 lockdowns reduced disease spread, but with costs

The lockdowns at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic reduced the spread of infection by an estimated 56%, a recent study has found. If all governors did not issue any lockdowns until April 23, 2020, the number of cases would ...

Education may be key to a healthier, wealthier US

According to the United States Department of Education, the U.S. high school graduation rate will reach an all-time high this year, which is good news for both our economy and health. Policy makers often use education policy ...

Widening political rift in U.S. may threaten science, medicine

The lightning speed with which scientists developed and tested the COVID-19 vaccine is a true scientific triumph—one that would not have been possible without the more than 70,000 volunteers who participated in clinical ...

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