New way of testing for cocaine discovered

Researchers from the University of Dundee have developed a new chemical sensor for cocaine that may lead to potential new point of seizure tests for police officers, customs officers, prison officers and medical professionals ...

Calling it a 'war on science' has consequences

National Geographic's March 2015 cover story provided a thoughtful discussion around the question of "Why Do Many Reasonable People Doubt Science?" The actual cover, however, simply said "The War on Science."

What should we do about single-use plastics?

Much of the growing global concern about the plastics polluting our oceans and clogging our landfills has focused on reducing consumption and reusing where we can. But there's a reason manufacturers and consumers struggle ...

Printed meds could reinvent pharmacies, drug research

A technology that can print pure, ultra-precise doses of drugs onto a wide variety of surfaces could one day enable on-site printing of custom-dosed medications at pharmacies, hospitals and other locations.

Stable biological coating for implants

The extracellular matrix (ECM) regulates all important cell functions and is an interesting biomaterial for scientists. Fraunhofer has developed an ECM that contains artificial chemical groups which supports natural cell ...

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