Hunting for dark quarks

Quarks are the smallest particles that we know of. In fact, according to the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes all known particles and their interactions, quarks should be infinitely small. If that's not ...

Approval of first RNA interference drug – why the excitement?

Small interfering RNA sounds like something from a science fiction novel rather than a revolutionary type of medicine. But this odd-sounding new drug offers a novel strategy for treating disease by targeting the root cause ...

The anti-inflammatory factory

Russian scientists, in collaboration with their colleagues from Pittsburgh University, have discovered how lipid mediators are produced. The relevant paper was published in Nature Chemistry. Lipid mediators are molecules ...

10,000 technology staff strike over pay in Finland

Some 10,000 professional and managerial staff in Finland's technology industry went on strike on Tuesday after rejecting a wage offer made by a national conciliator, their union said.

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