Venezuela passes media, Internet-muzzling law

The Venezuelan parliament passed a law banning for the first time Internet content that promotes social unrest, challenges authority or condones crime, fueling outrage by the opposition.

Scientists map what factors influence the news agenda

Computer scientists have analysed over a million news articles in 22 languages to pinpoint what factors, such as the Eurovision song contest, influence and shape the news agenda in 27 EU countries. This is the first large-scale ...

Copyright dramas no happy birthday to YouTube

( -- The internet's most successful video-sharing website, YouTube, which celebrates its fifth birthday this month, faces a far less vibrant future if copyright squabbles put an end to creative re-uses of media ...

Digital media players reach out

Hard-drive companies are on a new mission to do more than just back up your data. Now they want to bring you and your digital content into the living room.

P2P comes to the aid of audiovisual search (w/ Video)

( -- Current methods of searching audiovisual content can be a hit-and-miss affair. Manually tagging online media content is time consuming, and costly. But new 'query by example' methods, built on peer-to-peer ...

Video fingerprinting offers search solution

( -- The explosive growth of video on the internet calls for new ways of sorting and searching audiovisual content. A team of European researchers has developed a groundbreaking solution that is finding commercial ...

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