US newspaper group assails Google-Facebook online 'duopoly'

The US newspaper industry on Monday warned of a "duopoly" in online news by Google and Facebook, and called for legislation that would relax antitrust rules allowing collective negotiations with the internet giants.

Orange 'forces Google' to pay for mobile traffic

The head of French telecoms operator Orange said on Wednesday it had been able to impose a deal on Google to compensate it for the vast amounts of traffic sent across its networks.

Suit filed in US over Twitter feed in test case

A former blogger for a US mobile phone news site is being sued by his erstwhile employer over ownership of his Twitter feed in a social media test case for the Internet age.

Food advertisements on Twitch can lead to cravings, purchases

Food advertisements are on social media are pervasive, but research has not yet comprehensively documented the effects of these ads on adolescents and young adults. A new study by researchers at Penn State and Dartmouth College ...

The role of TV ad content in viewers' zapping behavior

Researchers from ESCP Business School and University of Cologne published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that investigates the role of TV ad content in driving or mitigating viewers' zapping behavior.

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