US newspaper group assails Google-Facebook online 'duopoly'

The US newspaper industry on Monday warned of a "duopoly" in online news by Google and Facebook, and called for legislation that would relax antitrust rules allowing collective negotiations with the internet giants.

How 'liking' leads to buying

Social media offers marketers a once-only-dreamed-of opportunity for free consumer-to-consumer advertising. But success depends on consumers being willing to share messages with their friends and followers, and often, they ...

Using algorithms to make a campaign go viral

Marketers want to create buzz, but it's not always so easy. For a marketing message to spread like wildfire, not only does it have to reach the target audience, but it also has to be well-timed and well-placed. SThAR, an ...

Twitter expands its mobile advertising platform

Twitter rolled out a new marketing platform Thursday that could enable advertisers to reach more than 700 million people on and off the social media service in a simpler and more effective way.

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